Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
Ayurveda | Healing Therapies
About Us
Prakruti healing is focused on helping others reach equilibrium and health according to each individual's uniqueness. We do this by combining principals of Ayurveda, Yoga, CranioSacral, Nutrition, Permaculture, Medical/Sports Massage, Marma Therapy, and much more.
We are located in beautiful Stone Ridge, New York on Main Street close to nature escapes and many trails.
We facilitate one on one and small group workshops on Ayurveda, lifestyle and nutrition. Please inquire if you are interested.
Find out more about our services and prices here.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, which means " Life Knowledge " or "the science of life" in Sanskrit, is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. It has its roots in the ancient Indian subcontinent and has been practiced for over 5,000 years. The fundamental principle of Ayurveda is that the human body and mind are interconnected with the natural world, and health is achieved by maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between these elements.
Here are some key principles of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda categorizes individuals into three primary doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—based on their unique physical and mental attributes. These doshas represent the body's inherent energies, and each person typically has a dominant dosha or a combination of two. Understanding one's dosha is essential for tailoring health recommendations.
Prakruti |Prakriti |Prakrti and Vikruti|Vikriti |Vikrti
Prakruti refers to a person's natural, constitutionally determined doshic equilibrium, while Vikruti represents the current state of non-equilibrium due to lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors. Ayurveda aims to identify and correct Vikruti to restore one's Prakruti.
Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium
Ayurveda considers health as a state of equilibrium and disease as a state of non-equilibrium. Various factors, such as diet, stress, emotions, and environmental conditions, can disrupt this equilibrium, leading to physical and mental ailments.
Holistic Approach
Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing not only physical symptoms but also mental and emotional well-being. Treatment involves a combination of dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, meditation, yoga, and other practices to restore balance.
Personalized Care
Ayurveda recognizes that individuals are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, treatment and dietary recommendations are personalized based on a person's dosha, constitution, and specific health issues.
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Licensed Massage Therapist
Licensed Massage Therapist
Yoga | Permaculture